ACTIS LAW GROUP is lead counsel in a Canada-wide class action lawsuit against Church & Dwight Canada Corp. and Church & Dwight Co., Inc. for allegedly manufacturing and selling Trojan-brand condoms containing toxic “forever chemicals”, which have been linked to many health problems, including cancer. These chemicals are per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, also known as PFAS.
PFAS are called “forever chemicals” because they do not break down easily in the human body or in the environment. Many of these PFAS chemicals can remain in our bodies for years or even decades.
PFAS have been linked to adverse health effects, including higher cholesterol, low birth weight, reduced antibody response to vaccines, cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, reduced fertility/reproductive problems, thyroid disorders, immune system damage, allergies, high blood pressure, and certain kinds of cancers, including, kidney and testicular cancer.
Independent laboratory testing of the Trojan Ultra Thin condoms found the presence of organic fluorine, which is “practically nonexistent” outside of its use in man-made PFAS chemicals.
Consumer advocacy group Mamavation conducted a consumer study and decided to test 25 condoms and 4 lubricants from 19 brands for PFAS “forever chemical” indicators at an EPA-certified laboratory. The results showed:
• 14% of total condom & lubricants tested had indications of PFAS “forever chemicals.” 4 detections from 29 reproductive health products (condoms & lubricants) had organic fluorine above 10 parts per million (ppm) according to our lab.
• Broken down by category, 12% of condoms tested had indications of PFAS “forever chemicals.” Specifically, 3 out of 25 condoms had detectable levels of organic fluorine above 10 ppm.
• 25% of lubricants had indications of PFAS “forever chemicals.” Specifically, 1 out of 4 lubricants had detectable levels of organic fluorine above 10 ppm.
• Ranges of organic fluorine, a marker of PFAS, were from 13 ppm to 68 ppm.
This is a major problem as condoms come into contact with the most sensitive areas of the human body, for both men and women, and this class action lawsuit will demand that these chemicals be removed immediately.
The testing revealed that Trojan Ultra Thin Condoms for Ultra Sensitivity contained 13 parts per million (ppm) of organic fluorine, 2nd product non-detect organic fluorine.
Actis Law Group believes action must be taken on behalf of the millions of people who were unknowingly exposed to dangerous levels of PFAS through the use of these Trojan condoms. The lawsuit seeks to represent anyone in Canada who has previously purchased and used these condoms.
If you or someone you know has purchased and/or used the Trojan Ultra Thin Condoms for Ultra Sensitivity and would like more information about potential compensation or to be kept informed of the status of the class action litigation or any resulting compensation, please provide your contact information to our law firm using the form below.